Saturday 10 January 2015

To Thine Own Self Be True...

Why is it that people find it difficult to be themselves and instead take on the beliefs and personality of those around them whilst in their presence? Is it a form of existential schizophrenia ? Such individuals seem to live 'double lives' - how they act and behave in the public arena or with their peers is not reflective of their true personality, but instead, they live a life of hypocrisy which can be perceived as being shallow and empty...

In my experience, some people seek acceptance through titles, academic achievements or indeed portray to the world some form of 'specialist' knowledge which usually lacks depth and understanding, losing touch with reality, creating their own parallel world and ultimately living dissolute lives.
It is very sad really, and each of us to some degree or another can fall into this trap as we strive for acceptance in the world in which we live.

The challenge is to be true and authentic to ourselves, for we are unable to justify internally that which is not real. On reflection, we may find that we do not have a sense of internal peace which leads us to feeling lost in the world.

Once again, I find myself rambling and almost preaching; but in truth, it is not intended... These thoughts have come into being as I continue to examine myself, my flaws and idiosyncrasies which forces me to look at the world, other people and indeed my own spiritual path in a new light, continually challenging self which impacts on how I view the complex world in which I live. x

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