Friday 2 January 2015

The Impact of Social Media on us as Individuals

Over the course of the last decade, Facebook and social media has played an ever increasing part in our daily lives... More and more we have become dependant on our daily fix to either 'interact' or 'spy' on the world.

We share both our joys and our sorrows with anyone who will listen... we link up with friends of old, as well as making 'new virtual' friends. Our daily lives are broadcast to the world!

It is hard to remember what it was like before social media played such a huge part in our lives and although it has some very good points and benefits, it can also have a negative impact on us as individuals and indeed other people. Many thousands of people have lost their jobs due to it, while others use it as a breeding ground to commit crime.

For the general user, it has become a place where negativity is bred through coveting what other people have and by being judgemental towards their life choices, beliefs, sexual orientation, colour etc... It can also be used as a tool to gossip or hurt others by posting comments which can cause much psychological pain and suffering.

It is also used for political reasons and propaganda is spread like wild fire. It is so easy to get caught up in the moment and digest others subjective views and make them our own, without really looking into the facts, breeding racism and unjust views.

On the flip side, social media brings a host of benefits - like never before, we can interact with others across the continent and learn things that could once only be found in books. It also can dispel loneliness and can create a sense of community, even if it is only in a virtual sense.  We can keep abreast with latest developments of things that we are interested in and it has also become a platform to promote charitable works.

Social media therefore is down to us as individuals - it is up to us how we use it, whether that be positive or negative in nature and we alone are accountable for our own actions.

From a personal point of view, I have begun to limit the amount of time that I spend in the social media arena, or at least to think before I post anything which could be construed as being harmful or negative towards others. Some months ago, I considered leaving the arena all together, as I felt that it was having a detrimental and negative impact on my Spiritual Self, as I allowed myself to be drawn in to others negativity which made me think in a judgemental way, when really from the limited information posted, it is near impossible to make an informed judgement on anything.

As human beings, we naturally make judgements on other people, life and the world around us... it is questionable however if social media plays a predominant role in those judgements and if so whether they are for the good of others and indeed self...

The question therefore arises on a personal level.... Do we use social media for the good of others and self, or does it have a negative impact on our being? That is for each and everyone of us to decide and to make a concerted effort to make change if that is what is required.


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