Friday 9 January 2015

Be Who You are Meant to Be

It's easy to get lost in the rigmarole of daily life... we get caught up in so many things from day to day that we barely have a minute to ourselves! We all play so many roles - partners, parents, work, committees etc.... All of the faces that we wear, make us into the person that we are, but with time, we seem to lose the very essence of our individuality. When we realise this, we seem to  go into a state of panic and reminisce about the person we once were and desperately try to become that person once again.... By then, too much water has gone under the bridge and a new 'beast' is created!

I've found that its really important to take some time out for myself... Over the past couple of years I think I must have gone through a mid life crisis as I approached the big 40.... I had completely lost the essence of me, as I fell into the trap of  playing a role and spent no time investing in myself. I questioned who I was, what I liked and what were my aspirations and I'm afraid to say that I couldn't answer any of them! I realised that now was the time to change and to re invent myself into the person that I wanted to be. I could not go back to who I was, as I had changed so much over the years, but it was time to rediscover myself.... The road has been rocky with much turmoil, but now I have re invented myself, keeping traits from the past that are meaningful and part of who I am and taking them forward with the experience and maturity of the past forty years!

I believe that this is one of the challenges of life.... to be the person that you are meant to be, for only YOU can do that...  :-) x

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