Monday 5 January 2015


Well, that's Christmas and New Year all over and done with for another year, so it's time to get moving once again with all the determination and hope for the future twelve months ahead. It's time to put into place all those changes that I said I would do after reflecting on 2014 just a few days ago...

It's all rather exciting - its akin to being born again, having the slate wiped clean, leaving past hurts, mistakes etc behind and moving forward. But what does the year have in store? Who knows... One thing I do know is, that only I can make change; only I can shape my future and push forwards. To make things happen in life, I have come to the conclusion that only I can make things happen and that reliance on others is futile. People can share the vision and the journey, but only I can go where I need to go and self determination and focus is paramount.

Time to clear out the old and start afresh... It has been a long time coming I can tell you, but hey, it's all part of the master plan and lessons have been learnt! x

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