Thursday 15 January 2015

Ready, Steady, Go!!!

Well, a couple of weeks have passed since the New Year and I think it's time I got my bottom into gear and start anew with the plans I have for 2015! Paying lip service is all well and good, but it's now time to put into action all the things that I have planned! I can talk the talk, but it's now time to walk the walk.

In the past I have hyper focussed on certain aspects of life to the detriment of other things... This year will be different! All work and no play makes Dave a very dull man!!!! There are so many facets to us as individuals and they are all important parts of who we are. Ignoring or neglecting certain parts of our being causes an imbalance and I know from experience that it can be detrimental to me as an individual. There is so much in the world that I want to see and do and I am only to aware that time is passing me by and I am not getting anywhere fast!

I am in charge of my own destiny and only I can take the lead with my own life. It's no point blaming others  for what I have or haven't done... so it's best foot forward and here I go!!!!

I'm feeling rather excited.... x

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