Thursday 8 January 2015


Time is a strange old thing... sometimes it feels like it's dragging and yet at other times it seems to fly by. Time gives us structure to our day and sets landmarks when we remember events both in our past, present and future. It could be said that time itself is 'timeless' as it is not necessarily governed alone by a physical clock, but also through our memories.

Earlier this week, I re visited a place that I had not been to since the tender age of 18. Although just over 22 years have gone by, when I arrived it seemed as if the years had melted away and that the familiar place and the dear people who reside there had remained unchanged - it was as if  the world and life itself  had stood still!

Obviously, over two decades have passed and over the years I have grown and experienced many new things which has made me into the man that I am today and yet I felt as if I had been transported back through time... Precious memories and feelings re surfaced from long ago and a kind of familiarity and a deep sense of peace was felt within.

As I reminisced about the past, I was consciously aware that as an individual I have matured and changed. The reality of life and the world that we live in is ever more present in my thoughts as opposed to the naivety and innocence of my youth and my 'present' experience was very meaningful and real.

The wonderful experience as a whole has re ignited something in me which I felt long ago, but it is in a different way which will take much discernment.

What the future will bring, who knows.... only time will tell ;-) x

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