Sunday 1 February 2015

Clearing out the clutter!

Time to clear out the clutter again! I feel like I need a spring clean, even though we are in deepest, darkest winter!!! I have to say, I am not very keen on the month of February.... It has never been a favourite month of mine.... everywhere is so damp and dark and the garden is lifeless... I do admit to loving all of the seasons - winter included, but I have to say that I am especially looking forward to Spring this year!

I have decided to re model the garden to make it a bit more manageable and I am itching to get out there and make a start, but unfortunately its akin to a mud bath right now! I am therefore having a bit of a change around in the house.... I am currently re organising rooms and trying to make better use of the space. I seem to be rattling around in this reasonably large four bedroomed house and as it stands, I am not making a good use of the space that I have!

It seems to be the right time to get rid of things from my past which will enable me to move forward with my life...

I am not a great believer in Fung Shui, but I do feel that clearing out the clutter and having a good old spring clean helps to clear out and focus the mind.... It is very much what is needed right now... Look out world, I'm on a roll. x

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