Wednesday 18 February 2015

Forgiveness - One of Life's great lessons

Earlier today whilst attending mass, I saw a friend that I had not seen since attending high school some years ago. This person was a close friend of mine, but for some reason or another, in the stupidity of our youth, we fell out. Over two decades have passed and since then we have both lived our lives in our own ways - married, had children, built our careers etc. It struck me as I sat there, that the years just melted away and the reasons why we fell out, which now escape me are insignificant.

Much water has gone under the bridge and it became apparent to me that in itself, time is indeed a great healer... Is this because we have matured as we have grown up and become adults and parents, or is it because we have come to realise that life is very short and past 'issues' which caused the fall out are no longer important? Whatever the reason, as we begin this season of lent, I do feel really blessed that I had this encounter with my old friend and in the spirit of the season we forgave ourselves and each other...

In life, we encounter many different people, on all different levels and each one leaves a mark on our lives. Over the years, I have been so blessed to have a rich and diverse mixture of friends who have shared parts of my life and have taught me many lessons. Some of these, remain friends today, whilst others have moved on in different directions with their lives. Unfortunately,  due to my humanity and my many failings, I have fallen out with some people whom I used to call friends. At times in my life, either due to ego or pride, I have sacrificed the friendship that we once had...

Perhaps this is a lesson that I need to learn... to find a greater sense of humility and acceptance of others, to forgive my own many failings and to forgive those who for whatever reason have left my life due to whatever circumstance. Holding onto hurt or hatred in any form is unproductive and of detriment to myself and my growth. It is certainly a point that I will ponder for some time and very hopefully will not make the same mistakes that I have made in the past.

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