Friday 13 February 2015

A Little Thing Called Destiny!

Sometimes I think that some things are just meant to be.... It's almost as if our lives are already pre planned and our destiny is set. In truth, that is not really what I believe, as I do feel that God has
made us unique, with our own minds and that  we as individuals make our own innate choices in life which ultimately govern the life that we then lead... But it does make me wonder if there are some things that we are pre destined to do... Is this part of our genetic make up or is it our life experience? Who knows?

If my life has taught me nothing else, it has taught me to be the person that I need to be and to do the things that I feel come natural. For me, it's all about following my own chosen path and embracing it... Standing out from the crowd and being brave to do so.

We are all so different and that in itself is a blessing... only we know what is in our hearts.... the challenge is to accept it and to be the person that we know we truly are, deep within!

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