Thursday 26 February 2015

Politics... A need for change where People come first!

The time is fast approaching for the general election and I for one, for the first time ever, have no idea who to vote for.... The main political parties all seem to say the same thing and are very much alike.... I am so sick of empty promises and once in power, nothing seems to change!

So what do I want?

Better health care with more nursing and medical staff and equality for all medical conditions. People should receive the treatment that they need... it shouldn't be down to money...

A better and improved Education system, where all our children have  the very best education - after all, they are the future and deserve the very best in life...

A fairer social system, where those in real need are helped and supported. People should not live in such extreme poverty, relying on food banks in order to live !

For our elderly to be cared for... They so often seem to be forgotten and at their time of life should not have to live in poverty, fearing how they will keep warm...

For equality for all with no stigma.... people should be allowed to be who they are without fear of being judged and free from discrimination.

For tighter control on our borders and to eradicate extremism in our country - making it a safer place to live.

For our ex service men and women to be cared for - again, it seems that they are another forgotten group within society... They should not be homeless and live in poverty and they should receive the proper care, attention and respect that they deserve.

I could go on and on.... but in a nut shell, I want a better and safer country to live in, where we as individuals are treated equally, free from poverty with better health care and education.

We were once a great nation... what has happened?

At the end of the day, I think my vote will come down to who I think will deliver what they say and who are passionate about people, not politics.

It's time to look beyond the parties and look towards those who strive for the very best for us... who that is right now, I just don't know, but I am sure that things will become clear as time goes on...

I am not usually a political beast, but I really feel that change is needed - where people matter and not money!

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Forgiveness - One of Life's great lessons

Earlier today whilst attending mass, I saw a friend that I had not seen since attending high school some years ago. This person was a close friend of mine, but for some reason or another, in the stupidity of our youth, we fell out. Over two decades have passed and since then we have both lived our lives in our own ways - married, had children, built our careers etc. It struck me as I sat there, that the years just melted away and the reasons why we fell out, which now escape me are insignificant.

Much water has gone under the bridge and it became apparent to me that in itself, time is indeed a great healer... Is this because we have matured as we have grown up and become adults and parents, or is it because we have come to realise that life is very short and past 'issues' which caused the fall out are no longer important? Whatever the reason, as we begin this season of lent, I do feel really blessed that I had this encounter with my old friend and in the spirit of the season we forgave ourselves and each other...

In life, we encounter many different people, on all different levels and each one leaves a mark on our lives. Over the years, I have been so blessed to have a rich and diverse mixture of friends who have shared parts of my life and have taught me many lessons. Some of these, remain friends today, whilst others have moved on in different directions with their lives. Unfortunately,  due to my humanity and my many failings, I have fallen out with some people whom I used to call friends. At times in my life, either due to ego or pride, I have sacrificed the friendship that we once had...

Perhaps this is a lesson that I need to learn... to find a greater sense of humility and acceptance of others, to forgive my own many failings and to forgive those who for whatever reason have left my life due to whatever circumstance. Holding onto hurt or hatred in any form is unproductive and of detriment to myself and my growth. It is certainly a point that I will ponder for some time and very hopefully will not make the same mistakes that I have made in the past.

Sunday 15 February 2015

Reaching out to others - finding true joy

Lent is fast approaching and I have been thinking about what to do over this period of 'sacrifice'..... Most years I have given something up, for example alcohol, chocolate etc, but this year I want to do something a bit different... Perhaps do something on a more practical level, which might make a small difference to someone's life / lives... I have considered many things, for example, visiting the elderly, help out at a soup kitchen for the homeless, get involved in some form of charitable work etc... But sometimes, it is just the small things that make a difference to people's lives, making someone smile, sharing a coffee and just 'being there' for someone.... Whatever I eventually decide to do, this year for me will not solely be a form of abstinence.

Lent is very much like the New Year... We all make resolutions that we find difficult to keep as the weeks pass... the difference for me, is that New Year generally tends to be about what we do for ourselves, whereas Lent is a time of doing something for others - a time to reach out and to share.... When I do something for others that seems to have a more lasting effect rather indulging myself.

This post could be construed as being 'religious' in nature and for me I suppose that yes it is as I try to follow my Christian Faith and be a 'better person'... But on a more secular level, I think that most of us are looking for some form of internal happiness and a sense of inner peace... what better way can we experience this than by giving to others. From my own experience, I do find a sense of happiness by making someone else happy or by simply giving them some of my time. For me, this is usually achieved by doing it in a way that is private, that is, not shouting from the roof tops what I am doing, but instead doing it quietly, not looking for praise from others or any form of recompense. Doing it in this way is what gives me that feeling of internal joy.

This post is not meant to sound like I am preaching, but instead they are my own personal thoughts on how I might be able to help other people, whilst trying to be a better person myself.

Friday 13 February 2015

A Little Thing Called Destiny!

Sometimes I think that some things are just meant to be.... It's almost as if our lives are already pre planned and our destiny is set. In truth, that is not really what I believe, as I do feel that God has
made us unique, with our own minds and that  we as individuals make our own innate choices in life which ultimately govern the life that we then lead... But it does make me wonder if there are some things that we are pre destined to do... Is this part of our genetic make up or is it our life experience? Who knows?

If my life has taught me nothing else, it has taught me to be the person that I need to be and to do the things that I feel come natural. For me, it's all about following my own chosen path and embracing it... Standing out from the crowd and being brave to do so.

We are all so different and that in itself is a blessing... only we know what is in our hearts.... the challenge is to accept it and to be the person that we know we truly are, deep within!

Thursday 12 February 2015

Fear & Anxiety

Fear is a terrible thing and can really cripple what you want to do in life... it can put a halt to you're hopes and dreams and stop you from living the life that you want to lead... Fear causes an ever perpetuating cycle of anxiety which isolates individuals and disables people from reaching their full potential.

As youngsters, it seems as if the world is our oyster  and usually, fear is minimal.... Our aspirations for the future are great and varied and it seems as if there is very little reason why our hopes and dreams cannot become a reality.

So what is it then that changes? Do we become overly cautious as we age? is it due to mental ill health or life experience?, or is it all of the above and more? One thing is for sure, the only way to get out of this ever perpetuating cycle of gloom is to acknowledge that the fear exists, to confront it and take ownership of it.

No one can do it for you, regardless of qualifications, differing theoretical techniques or experience... Its all about taking small steps to dispel the inner demons... it's about trust and faith and a little helping hand from those who are close to you...  it's all about challenging you're negative ways of thinking and taking a more positive outlook on life. It's certainly not an easy path to follow, but the longer these fears are left to breed and multiply in our minds, the worse the situation becomes and the ever perpetuating cycle of fear is re enforced...

Sometimes, all that is needed is a friend... someone to be there, to listen, to support and to encourage... Someone to share you're life's journey, to take you by the hand and accompany you through the labyrinth of life, dispelling the isolation and challenging the fear inside. Such support and encouragement is a major step forward on the path to a world which will enable you're future aspirations to become a reality and a life that is no longer crippled by fear...

Wednesday 11 February 2015

What a difference a day makes

Thankfully, everything in this world is transient in nature... everything passes, good or bad. Yesterday becomes part of history, today brings a chance to start afresh. There are days when motivation is low and others when I am so enthused I could conquer the world!!!

Over the past couple of years, so much has changed in my life that it is barely recognisable... people have come and left my life, each bringing new experiences and an opportunity to learn something new.

Change can be a difficult process and I for one, at times, struggle with  the way in which my life seems to evolve, probably due to the fact that I over reminisce about the past. Periods of transition in life can be painful, especially letting go, but that is a part of growth and it is only by letting go  that I can move forward,  embracing the future and all it has to offer... It's akin to stepping out into the great unknown with much uncertainty.

I have realised that at times, I simply need to sit back and allow these changes to take place and no amount of reminiscence will alter the here and now. So, I have decided, that this is going to be my year... a year when I concentrate on myself, doing the things that I want to do. Its time to take things a bit more gently and actually enjoy the ride for a change. Life is very short and I know that I am guilty of filling up my time to such an extent that I miss what is going on in the world.... so this is it.... a new day.... a new chapter... What a difference a day makes!

Sunday 1 February 2015

Clearing out the clutter!

Time to clear out the clutter again! I feel like I need a spring clean, even though we are in deepest, darkest winter!!! I have to say, I am not very keen on the month of February.... It has never been a favourite month of mine.... everywhere is so damp and dark and the garden is lifeless... I do admit to loving all of the seasons - winter included, but I have to say that I am especially looking forward to Spring this year!

I have decided to re model the garden to make it a bit more manageable and I am itching to get out there and make a start, but unfortunately its akin to a mud bath right now! I am therefore having a bit of a change around in the house.... I am currently re organising rooms and trying to make better use of the space. I seem to be rattling around in this reasonably large four bedroomed house and as it stands, I am not making a good use of the space that I have!

It seems to be the right time to get rid of things from my past which will enable me to move forward with my life...

I am not a great believer in Fung Shui, but I do feel that clearing out the clutter and having a good old spring clean helps to clear out and focus the mind.... It is very much what is needed right now... Look out world, I'm on a roll. x