Tuesday 23 December 2014

Christmas Thoughts

Christmas comes but once a year - a time for school concerts, Christmas parties, mince pies, over indulgence, gifts and the hope of snow. Its a time to put up the decorations and get together with friends and family... a time to come together and share a meal and to share some special time together...

Christmas is a time to think of those less fortunate than ourselves; the hungry, the poor, the sick, the elderly, those who are lonely and the homeless. Its a time when most peoples hearts soften and for a little while, we think about others rather than just ourselves. We realise how fortunate we are when we look at the lives of others and it sparks in many of us a feeling of wanting to help in some way.

Why is it that we only do this once a year? why is it not like this every day? Is this not what Christmas is all about? Is not the spirit of Christmas meant to be shared each and every day? Should we not be a bit more selfless and consider others needs throughout the year?

Our society has changed so much over the years, emails have replaced letters, social media sites have taken over spending physical time with friends and family... we seem to live in a virtual reality and in a sense, we seem to lose touch with the world in which we live. We become ever more selfish with our own wants and desires and fail to see what is on our doorstep.  We only seem to snap back into reality when our lives are touched by illness, bereavement or some catastrophe which is not part of our normal way of being.

Very recently, I have been reading a book called 'The God of Surprises'... it is a book on the spiritual self. It looks at the physical, psychological and spiritual aspects of the person and how they are inextricably linked. The book suggests that we as individuals, tend to concentrate on only one or two aspects of self and that at least one aspect is usually neglected. Over the past few weeks as I have worked through the book, I have come to realise that we as individuals are fragmented creatures... we become wrapped up in the physical and psychological aspects of self... our wants and desires take precedence over everything else. We continually strive for bigger and better things and as we do this our anxieties and stress levels increase... we detach ourselves from our spiritual selves and we feel empty. Happiness becomes a fleeting thing as we continually strive to buy our next fix of happiness in physical objects, for example a new car, items of clothing etc.... This pursuit of happiness is however futile as we constantly want more and more... Happiness comes from within and can only be realised through our spiritual self - our own spiritual journey of self discovery.... A journey which opens our eyes to others, the world and God as they really are... a journey which helps us to shed the materialistic aspects of self. Whilst on this journey, we soon come to realise that our inner joy comes from giving and not receiving.....

Christmas is a good time to reflect on our lives, a time to take stock where we are up to. A time when we can ask ourselves - am I a good person?, do I do what I can for others or could I do more? It's also a time when we can consider our deepest spiritual aspects and try in some way to become 'whole' again. Christmas gives each and everyone of us that chance to start afresh... to turn over a new leaf and to begin to treat each day with a good heart and to consider the needs of those who are less fortunate than ourselves.

This blog entry seems to be turning into a sermon rather than just the ramblings of an over thinker, but in truth it's not meant to be.... these are just my thoughts and feelings and how perhaps I can become a better person....

To those of you who are reading this entry, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and you're family a very Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year... I will light a candle for all you're thoughts and intentions at midnight Mass tomorrow... God Bless x


  1. Thank you for your ramblings/sermon, Dave. I appreciate a glimpse of you heart behind the humor and teasing on Facebook.

    One thing I've learned, going through financial hardship for an extended period, is that it's not just "things" people desire for happiness, but real needs, like shelter and security, and as silly as it sounds, internet service! (To stay connected, to do business, pay bills, and enjoy recreation.) Knowing that makes us appreciate where others are on their journeys, and we adjust our gait accordingly.

    A happy Christmas season (and spirit) to you and all those you hold dear.

  2. I totally agree Christy - 'real' needs cannot be overlooked, for without addressing these real needs in our lives we cannot function in the world that we know :-) x
