Tuesday 31 March 2015

One of Life's Challenges

There have been so many times that I have felt 'lost', unsure what to do with myself or where my life was leading me... I have felt this during both good and more difficult times in life and have wandered about as if in darkness stumbling from one thing to another, frightened to let go of any part, in case I felt even more 'lost'.

For much of my life, I have busied myself to the extent that I have rarely even taken a moment to sit back, to think and simply consider the endless opportunities that there are out there for me. In truth, I was scared and became apathetic to the life which I was leading, drifting on as the years passed by.
For me, It has taken a significant event to happen in my life which has made me stop and reflect and although at times it has been difficult, it has been a period of renewal and growth, which has given me much internal peace and happiness. It has not been an easy process and it has forced me to accept change which is always difficult - well for me anyway, as I am such a creature of habit!

Life is for living... what more can I say? We only get one, so we had best make the best of it and not waste what the world has to offer. I truly believe that each and everyone of us has a purpose in life, the challenge is to find that purpose and if brave enough, to follow it. If we are able to do this, we will find much treasure, in the form of internal peace and happiness which we all crave and the futility of searching for something external will cease.

There are so many obstacles in life which can stop us in our tracks or even 'de rail us', such as illness, death, changes in personal circumstances, the list is endless and it is at these times I have found that it is essential to take stock, listen to our internal voice / gut and to push forwards. It is so very easy to resign ourselves to negative influences or circumstances which is the real enemy to 'self', as it stops us from progressing in life to finding that one thing which we all want - Happiness :-) x

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