Sunday 1 March 2015

Leaving the Comfort Zone...

No one said that life would be easy.... we are not born with an instruction manual, more's the pity... There will be times in life when we are faced with huge mountains to climb which at the time may feel insurmountable, but in truth, they are simply paths which lead to change.

Why is it that the majority of us fear change so much? Is it because we become so  entrenched in our comfort zone and blaze e  in life, that we are afraid of the unknown in case we upset the status quo, or is it because we are afraid of losing the familiarity that surrounds the life that we have built?

Change gives each and everyone of us, an opportunity to grow and to experience new possibilities in life. We remain masters of our own destiny, even if change is forced upon us.

Change does not necessarily mean the end of something, it can simply be a new chapter in life which allows endless opportunities and experiences if only we are brave enough to take that first step into the unknown...

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